july 14, 21, 28

The Creativity Symposium

A three-day virtual adventure for teachers focused on reimagining the classroom for the 2021/22 year.

Sessions at a Glance

Join on July 14, 21, and 28 from 9-Noon (EDT)

Day 1
The Power of Creativity

During this first session, participants will delve into what creativity is and how to foster it. They will practice creative problem solving skills and identify an educational challenge that is important to them around one of the four themes of collaboration, community, assessment, and accessibility.

Day 2
Creative Design

In the second session, participants will take their challenge and research from Day 1 and start to rethink. Using innovative tools, they will collaborate to explore new ideas and start developing creative solutions.

Members will share and refine their plans with a team before beginning to build and shape their visions into prototypes.

Day 3
Iterative Design

In the final session, participants will share their prototypes. Using a creative review process, participants will give and receive feedback to strengthen solutions. Members break traditional approaches by rethinking possibilities and challenging their current practices, and then create an action plan to bring their ideas to life.
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The Creativity Circle

The Creativity Circle is a partnership between Eduscape and FableVision Learning/Reynolds Center for Teaching, Learning and Creativity to create an environment to push the edges of education.
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